Thursday 17 November 2016

URGENT VACANCY!!! VACANCY!!! VACANCY!!! Are you aged between 25yrs-55yrs?

Are you aged between 25yrs-55yrs?

Are you a holder of a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree or PhD in any field related to Finance, Engineering, Statistics, Economics, Commerce, Law, Humanities, Social Sciences, Administration, Education, Nursing?

Do you have a Valid driver's license?

Do you have at least a minimum of 4 years working experience in any of the fields above?
Are you willing to work from 8.30am - 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am-12.00noon on Friday?

Are you ready to accept and take home a salary of USD$9,000 per month, transport allowances of $2,000 per month, Housing allowance of $2,000 per month, lunch allowance of $1,000 per month?
Are you ready to travel out of the country at least twice every quarter to USA or any destination of your choice with your partner?

THEN DON'T WORRY ....YOU ARE NOT ALONE .... I'm also looking for such a job. If you find one please call me too... 😉

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