Tuesday 12 June 2018

Awarded GCFR and Obasanjo

Copied from another forum. On Obasanjo
Wale Adeoye Writes
Olusegun Obasanjo head of State in 1976 - 1979 but
President Shehu Shagari awarded GCFR to Obafemi Awolowo in 1982. Again 
Olusegun Obasanjo president again in 1999- 2007 but
President Muhammadu Buhari awarded GCFR to MKO Abiola in 2018.
Àjùmòbí kò kan tãnu, ẹni Olúwa bá rán síni ló nṣeni lõre - Same parentage does not compel compassion, only those sent by God show compassion.
Good evening everyone.
Ojudu Replies
Wale you are talking of honoring people. What of people who on account of defending Obasanjo were arrested and tried for coup and jailed for life. Obasanjo came out of prison, was granted pardon and was made President. He ruled for eight years and never for once think of pardoning those who went through all of that because of him. Not once did he even find it right to acknowledge their role. He rather will praise Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, Carl Masters and co.

Let me refresh your memory a little bit. Beko Ransome Kuti was arrested, tried and jailed for life for faxing Obasanjo’s defence before the military panel to human rights organisation abroad. I collaborated with him in the process of faxing. I also took away a copy of the piece for publication in The News magazine. The fax copy was intercepted and following day Beko was arrested and his freedom taken away from him for three and a half years. 
It was for running the piece in The News that Ajibade who knew nothing about it was arrested , tried and jailed. 
For eight years Obasanjo was in government he never said thank you to the many innocent Nigerians who were jailed because of him. Those folks remained convicts and unpardoned
I shed tears when at Oputa Panel he came and tried to ridicule Beko’s faith or lack of it. That is Obasanjo for you. He is the only one who exist in his universe. Others are mere tools .
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Absolutely sir. His prison mates, Col MA Ajayi and Col Gabriel Ajayi among others till date have not been honoured and their entitlements as soldiers left unpaid. While in prison, he told them if he ever survived, he would honour and uplift them. He never did.. I spoke with one of them today whose manhood was destroyed through torture and state induced violence. OBJ is vain.
OBJ does not even pick their calls. He came and ruled for 8 years and the most remarkable infrastructure we can remember him for are his private library and his private hospital.

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