Thursday 3 May 2018

Lisa Riley’s hopes of having babies dashed

Lisa Riley has had her hopes of having children dashed after doctors told her that her chances of getting pregnant were next to none.
She went through a year of secret fertility tests which revealed her eggs were so poor, there was little chance of conception.
The 41-year-old actress recently lost 12 stone but broke down in tears revealing the heartbreaking news.

Following her dramatic weight loss she began to try for a baby but was left devastated when doctors told her that chances to conceive were unlikely.
She told The Mirror, ‘Finding out that I was unlikely to get pregnant was a blow but I refuse to be defined by that.’

My body was being pumped full of hormones to get my egg readings, and in the end they weren’t good, it messes with your head and I just couldn’t do that to myself any more.’
She continued to say that the months after she was told her chances to conceive were low were ’emotionally draining’.
The Loose Women host, whose musician partner Al prefers to stay out of the limelight, said that she is ‘completely at peace with it’.

The heartbreaking news comes one year after her amazing weight loss which left her in tears over the weekend.
She took to Instagram to open up about her weight loss journey, saying, ‘It’s a year ago today, that I had my 2nd operation to complete my body and remove all the excess skin…never for one single second did I think I would achieve the weight loss, body and mind changes I went through!

Source: MSN
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