Monday 20 February 2017

Bus conductors to wear uniforms and identification Numbers– See Details

Lagos bus conductors to wear uniforms, badges and tags from March – See Details

As from March 2017, it is now mandatory for Lagos bus conductors to have on three things on them according to the National President of Bus Conductors Association of Nigeria, Mr Israel Adeshola.

The things are:
1) Uniform: Every Lagos bus conductor must now wear uniform to identify them as bus conductors.
2) Name Tags: Every conductor in Lagos must have a tag bearing their names so they can easily be addressed by their names.
3) Badges: The badges will have identification number so that conductors involved in criminal acts can be easily fished out.
Punch reports that Adeshola said on Thursday, February 16, that has approved wearing of uniforms and badges for bonafide members of the association on Monday, February 12.
Adeshola said: “We are in collaboration with Lagos state government on the issue of badges and uniforms for commercial conductors, which was finalised on Monday.
“This is because we don’t want to start without the government’s approval. So by the first week of March, we will roll them out.”
Adeshola said the idea will help to promote good behaviour among bus conductors and it will ensure their safety and the safety of their passengers as well.
He said the name tags and badges will help for easy identification of conductors involved in crimes and such offenders will be easily apprehended.
Meanwhile, Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos state, on Monday, February 6 insisted that there were plans afoot to remove yellow buses popularly known as Danfo from Lagos roads.
The reason for this, he said was to ensure, a more efficient, well-structured and world class mass transportation system that would facilitate ease of movement within the city.
Ambode said that his administration would soon roll out a comprehensive environmental sanitation policy that would make the city to be clean without much burden on the people in terms of taxes.
Source: madailygist
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