Monday 17 November 2014

A Woman Calls 911 To Order Pizza—For The Most BRILLIANT Reason!!

1-in-4 women will experience domestic violence during their lifetime, and that’s what makes this story so incredible.

A former police dispatcher recently posted an amazing story about a domestic violence call that took a surprising turn. The story has since gone viral — and for very good reason!

At first, the dispatcher thought a call from a woman wanting to “order pizza” was just a prank, like any dispatcher would. But it was far from a phony phone call; it was a cry for help, disguised in the most brilliant way. The dispatcher typed out the entire exchange that he had with the caller:

Dispatcher: 911, where is your emergency?

Caller: 123 Main St.

Dispatcher: Ok, what’s going on there?

Caller: I’d like to order a pizza for delivery. (oh great, another prank call).
Dispatcher: Ma’am, you’ve reached 911
Caller: Yeah, I know. Can I have a large with half pepperoni, half mushroom and peppers?
Dispatcher: Ummm…. I’m sorry, you know you’ve called 911 right?

Caller: Yeah, do you know how long it will be?

Dispatcher: Ok, Ma’am, is everything ok over there? do you have an emergency?

Caller: Yes, I do.

Dispatcher: And you can’t talk about it because there’s someone in the room with you? (moment of realization)

Caller: Yes, that’s correct. Do you know how long it will be?

Dispatcher: I have an officer about a mile from your location. Are there any weapons in your house?

Caller: Nope.

Dispatcher: Can you stay on the phone with me?

Caller: Nope. See you soon, thanks.

After they hung up, an officer arrived to the woman’s home and the boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence. He was drunk, and physically abusing her. I just thank God Keith stayed on the phone with her, and didn’t hang up. It was fate that this woman got him as a 911 dispatcher — who stayed alert during the call, and kept an open mind. What a BRILLIANT, quick-thinking woman.

Please SHARE this incredible story — it could truly help people in similar situations.

Source: littlethings
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